Life Link III to the rescue.

      This site is designed to be a one stop shop for US fire dept websites. I sat around one day trying to find other fire dept websites. Once I realized how difficult some were to find, I decided to offer one location to post links to them all.
      To get your website listed in our database, please send an Official Fire Dept Business card with your information, including website, to this address. If you would like a picture of your Dept's Patch posted with the link, please feel free to send a CD containing the image with the business card.



-- NEWS --
(Click on link for more info)

11/28/09 - New interative map

05/01/09 - Launches New site

05/01/09 - Help keep this site up and running.

05/01/09 - Our RSS Feed updates you to new depts being added.

-- We gladly accept donations to help keep this site up and running --